Friday, August 17, 2012

Take Your Time

It's been half a year since I imparted any sophomoric wisdom upon this blog page. I wanted to write a quick note about Taking One's Time. (That seems a little ironic, doesn't it?)

We've all heard that "Slow and Steady Wins the Race". But Life really isn't a Race because Death is at the finish line. So if Death is the reward for Life, no matter if you win or lose, then I guess it's the Race that matters. Or speaking more eloquently, the quality of life is most important.

What am I suggesting when I say to take one's time? Well, to be honest, I figured out that if I took my time, I would sustain fewer injuries. Seriously! The more I was rushing around, the more I would be bumping into things and getting hurt. I realized that if I just performed actions without rushing, I'd have more success and fewer bruises and cuts. And this has been true ten-fold.

But this also applies to work or tasks you've undertaken. At my part time job, I now take my time to make sure that I'm doing correctly the multitude of things that need to be done in order to successfully do my job. I've noticed that the more I talk with my co-worker (distracted), or the quicker I try to work, the more things I do incorrectly or not at all.

There are a multitude or reasons a person should slow down:
  • Less injuries sustained
  • A job done correctly the first time
  • Become more present in your own life and surroundings
  • See the world differently
  • Lower stress levels
What are some other reasons that come to mind?

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