Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Sometimes, it's too easy to get caught up in the little things. I'm sure you've heard of the Serenity Prayer, which is fine for us non-religious folk, too.
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom the know the difference. - Niebuhr-
Are there things in your daily life that are bothering you? What would happen if you just eliminated it? Sometimes, it seems like a hard thing to do, but once you accept that your well-being and sanity is more important than the situation, it's easier to walk away.

I did this yesterday when members of an internet group I enjoyed continued a cycle of making it un-enjoyable for the rest of us. Rather than go out, guns blazing, I just left. Even though I was technically an admin. For as many hours of support and comraderie as I had found there, I was not interested in spending more time explaining why I was leaving. It's the internet; I don't know many of them personally and it's not worth the time it would have taken to explain why I was leaving.

And just like that, I was gone. I have to admit, my participation in that group DID use up a lot of time, so now I will enjoy applying myself to other aspects of my life. Like writing blogs, and saying the words outloud in a Scottish accent. I'd like to thank the movie Brave for giving me another source beside Mike Meyers.

So, don't be afraid to make eliminations every once in awhile. It can be simpler than you think.
KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

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